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Tampa is a major tourist destination and the principal city of the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater Metropolitan area. The city sits on Tampa Bay and is the largest city in the Tampa Bay Area. Tampa has more than 165 parks and beaches covering more than 2,286 acres within city limits, and 42 in surrounding suburbs that cover more than 70,000 acres and are maintained by Hillsborough County. 

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, Adventure Island, Florida Aquarium, Hillsborough River State Park, Big Cat Rescue Sanctuary, and several notable beaches are the main tourist attractions in Tampa. Tampa also serves as the home port for several cruises operated by Carnival Cruise Lines, Holland American Line, Norwegian Cruise Line, Celebrity Cruises Cruise Line, and Royal Caribbean International Cruise Lines. In addition, the city is the origin point for many seasonal and year-round cruises that take visitors to enchanting places across the globe. 

Tampa also hosts several popular events and festivals, including the Gasparilla Pirate Festival, Outback Bowl, Florida State Fair, India International Film Festival of Tampa Bay, MacDill Air Fest, and Tampa Riverfest each year. 

Due to such a vibrant environment, it is no surprise that Tampa is visited by millions of tourists each year. This massive influx of tourists has led to a likewise growth in the number of resorts and hotels operating in Tampa. Resort owners in Tampa are aware of the challenges posed by the humid subtropical climate that sends temperatures soaring to almost 95° Fahrenheit during June. 

Most resort owners in Tampa realize the importance of shade to protect visitors who want to spend time outside near the pool or enjoy other outdoor amenities offered by the resort. Having professionally installed shade at your resort can do wonders for your business as it not only protects your visitors from the sun but also leads them to spend more time at your resort. Clients spending more time at the resort usually means more orders for drinks, food, and other amenities offered by you.  

Cabana Couture is a leading provider of custom cabanas, umbrellas, and outdoor resort furniture to resorts and hotels in Tampa and the Tampa Bay Area. Our custom cabanas and outdoor resort furniture not only have a practical use but can also improve the aesthetic appeal of your resort. If needed, Cabana Couture can design custom cabanas and outdoor resort furniture to meet the existing style of your resort. All Cabana Couture products are highly customizable, and you can get ceiling fans, misters, heating, and lighting installed in the cabanas if needed.